Energy Efficiency Matters…


Like any business we have unavoidable energy requirements and particularly as the business has grown, with both an office and a professional kitchen to run, we have become increasingly conscious of just how much energy we use. We have counterbalanced this through a number of energy saving changes to our equipment and premises. It is surprising too to see how making a number of small changes, such as switching to low energy light bulbs and setting PC monitors to ‘sleep’ after a few minutes’ inactivity, can have such an impact on the amount of energy we use each year.

In addition to the environmental benefits, this approach also makes financial sense; reducing energy consumption reduces our overheads, which in turn helps to avoid any increase in our food prices.

We hope that our experience proves that energy efficiency is both logical and sustainable, and that it will encourage others to follow suit. The International Energy Agency has predicted that by 2050 we can reduce the world’s energy needs by one third if we all take similar measures. This is a goal we are eager to support and we are doing all we can to work towards a sustainable future.

Fun Fact

Agriculture uses approximately 21 percent of food production energy – which equals 2.1 quadrillion Btu of energy each year. About 60 percent of the energy used in agriculture goes toward gasoline, diesel, electricity and natural gas.